School Charter
Our school charter outlines the vision, mission, values, and goals of our school. It serves as a framework for decision-making and helps to ensure that we are working towards a common set of objectives. Our charter reflects our commitment to providing a high-quality education that meets the needs of our students, staff, and community.
Our charter is a living document that will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that we are staying true to our vision, mission, values, and goals. We believe that by working together and holding ourselves accountable to these principles, we can achieve great things and provide the best possible education for our students. The charter came into effect on 11 June 2020 with the Board’s approval and was provided online 1 July 2020.
Student survey of learning environment
A student survey of the learning environment is an important tool for gathering feedback from students about their educational experience. This type of survey typically asks students to evaluate various aspects of the learning environment, such as the quality of instruction, the availability of resources, and the level of support they receive from teachers and staff.
By soliciting feedback from students, schools can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their educational programs, as well as identify areas for improvement. This information can be used to develop strategies to enhance the learning experience for students and create a more positive and supportive environment.
School Supervisor
Finn Øland
I was originally trained as a primary and secondary school teacher with specialization on mathematics and phyics, and have worked as an educational consultant, seconded to DANIDA as a consultant, school inspector and school principal until I retired in 2016. I completed a master’s degree in coaching in 2012.
My background for supervision is thus a long work in the school and education world both on the practical and the theoretical level. In the role of supervisor, I see it as my main task to assess the following:
- That the school provides teaching that is commensurate with what is generally required in the primary school
- That the school, according to their purpose and whole work, prepares the students to live in a society like the Danish with freedom and democracy and develops and strengthens the students’ democratic formation and their knowledge of and respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights, including gender equality.
Jeg er oprindeligt uddannet folkeskolelærer, og har arbejdet som pædagogisk konsulent, udsendt for DANIDA som rådgiver, skoleinspektør og skolechef indtil jeg gik på pension i 2016. Jeg gennemførte en masteruddannelse i coaching i 2012.
Min baggrund for at føre tilsyn er således et langt virke inden for skole- og uddannelsesverdenen såvel på det praktiske som på det teoretiske plan. I rollen som tilsynsførende ser jeg det som min hovedopgave at vurdere følgende:
- At skolen leverer undervisning, som står mål med, hvad der almindeligvis kræves i folkeskolen
- At skolen efter deres formål og hele virke forbereder eleverne til at leve i et samfund som det danske med frihed og folkestyre samt udvikler og styrker elevernes demokratiske dannelse og deres kendskab til og respekt for grundlæggende friheds- og menneskerettigheder, herunder ligestilling mellem kønnene.
Teachers and Leadership at the school regularly recieve training about best practice research and the reflect on the school’s provision.
This self-inspection allows us to analyze areas for continued growth and to plan resource allocation for the coming years.
School Board
Søren Pap-Tolstrup … Board Chairman
Mushe Norestani … Board Member
Kerry Rosser … Board Member
Isabel Simao … Board Member
Farina Marriott … Board Member
Jincy Vallachira … Alternate Board Member