Funding Received
December 2023
Let Grow / ChangeX: Let Grow is an organisation leading the movement for childhood independence and free play. Our After School Care programme has been awarded kr. 3800 for purchase of equipment for outdoors and imaginative free play. We have purchased kites and parachutes to play with in the nearby park and we are deeply grateful for the sponsorship of the Lego Foundation’s Learning Through Play, the resources from Let Grow and to ChangeX for facilitating this grant! Thank you so much.
December 2023
Føtex: Føtex has generously donated supplies for our winter performance.
October 2023
Lego Foundation / ChangeX: The LEGO Foundation through their Learning Through Play campaign, has awarded a 17,280 kr grant to VIS. VIS has now bought several LEGO® Education sets, with coding and robotics learning outcomes. The students loving working with the sets and able to code the lego to move automatically! We thank the Lego foundation for their generous contribution to VIS and a shout out to ChangeX for facilitating the application.
October 2022
Plant et Træ: Is a nonprofit organisation with the mission to plant more trees in Denmark. The foundation has donated an orchard to VIS with fruit trees, berry bushes, planting soil and learning materials about horticulture. The students were so engaged in creating this orchard in their playground, and we are very grateful to Plant et træ for their donation and igniting the love of nature in our students.
Aug 2022
TrygFonden: Has donated high-visibility vests to the VIS students and teachers, and they are wonderful when we go on excursions and fieldtrips. Thank you, TrygFonden, for your generous donation!