Dorothy Antwi Boasiako

Dorothy Antwi Boasiako

Roles: Learning Support & English as an Additional Language

Master of Arts (African Studies), University if Copenhagen, Denmark, Master of Arts (Literature in English), University of Cape Coast, Ghana, Bachelor of Arts (English and Sociology) University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

Languages: Twi, English, and Danish.

Professional Biography:
Dorothy has lived in Ghana and Denmark. She has been a Teacher for several years at a school in Ghana as well as university teaching and graduate assistant opportunities in the Departments of English and African studies.

What excites you about VIS:
I am very excited about the fact that VIS provides an all-inclusive, fun and conducive environment for learning and a wholistic development of our students, while keeping up with modern trends. Our students are the loveliest, and so I always look forward to going work: to be an instrumental part of their social and intellectual development.

Your Top Book Recommendation for kids:
I love all the Disney Classics. But my favorite is the Lion King by Justine Korman.

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